Your domain name was successfully hosted by and it is ready for email and sub-domain subleasing. Now that you have your own registry up and running, what’s next? How can you ensure the best result? Below go few tips that will help you with your site promotion.
Give away free accounts.
As the site administrator, you can create new accounts and give them to your friends, acquaintances or clients accompanied by gift renewals so that they can get started risk-free and without any hustle.
Go to http://domain.tld/?new and notice you have two extra fields at the bottom of the sign-up box:
You can put your friend email and choose how many free years you want to top the account up. Your friend will now be able to use the email forward and host the site anywhere she likes. As she uses the site, other people will be willing to get similar addresses and they will then opt in for the premium account. The bigger your customer base, the better turnaround on your side.
You can also create a site under your account, top it up with free renewals, then add you friend as another administrator of the site via User Profiles menu in the site control panel, usually accessible via http://sub.domain.tld/wp-admin/users.php. This way, you will be able to assist your friend or client directly with the initial and post sign-up set up.
If your domain name is of the geo- or pro-nature, certainly it is worth to attract business clients as their email@domain.tld and site.domain.tld will be used in the marketing of their products and services, subsequently promoting your domain.tld as well.
Don’t give up, those first 100 accounts are the most difficult to arrange and to sell. Then things usually develop in the geometrical progression until you run out of good names. But that limit is rather high.
Enhance the look.
When you domain.tld was initialised by it was set to default values. Adding more description, setting a catchy favicon, putting information that reflects on the potential needs of your customers – all add to the credibility of your site and hence increase the conversion rate, hence the profitability.
Everything can be changed viathe control panel of your site at http://domain.tld/@
FavIcons: catchy and high-quality icons can be downloaded from this free library:, e.g.,
If you have some extra information, also on your other sites and products, you can add them via widgets on the right panel via Appearance > Widgets admin menu.
Go for big news. started big with the launch of Irish.Me. It went all over the globe with St. Patrick’s Day 2012. The wider coverage – the more subscriptions you will receive. This correlation never changes. Always go for the most channels you have.
Monitor your promotion.
You can enable instant notifications that will be sent to your email every time a potential client reserves a name on your domain.tld, opts for a trial period, or pays for / renews the site. Combined with your other marketing activities it will give you better understanding of how your campaigns are doing allowing you to look on certain steps retrospectively and measure the efficiency of the promotional method used.
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