Pro allows third-parties to run their own domain name registries and link bundlers.

  • Registries:
    If you own domain names like Irish.Me and would like to offer similar functionality, including blogging, custom DNS and email forwards, will be able to provide such a registry solution at no fee. In fact, the domain owners will receive 50% of the premium proceeds (by default charged at $12.00 per account per year).
  • Link bundlers:
    Services similar to those offered by, Links2.Me,, and other on their own domain names, under their own private label. It is also possible to add functionality to existing sites without changing their status quo.

There are also two models: 50%50 and all-inclusive. The following table briefly lists the major differences:

Service Type \ Model

50%50 revenue split


(email and URL sub-leasing)

  • No set-up fee
  • Unlimited open registrations
  • Optional product trials up to seven days
  • Each account has to be paid for to benefit from premium features
  • 50%50 revenue split between the domain name owner and



  • No set-up fee
  • Unlimited private registrations
  • $99 monthly flat rate
  • All premium features included on all accounts


Link bundlers

  • N/A
  • No set-up fee
  • Unlimited private registrations
  • $99 monthly flat rate
  • All premium features included on all accounts


In its essence, domain name owners can either cash on their virtual assets by organically growing the customer base and benefit from premium proceeds or use to host their network of sites. The former is free to apply for, with corresponding 50%50 revenue split model. The latter is provided for a monthly fee of US$ 99.00.

If you own a catchy domain name and got yourself reading down here you are now asking, what is so special about domain sub-leasing:

  • When parked, a domain name that has 50 subscriptions per month generates > $7k per year.
  • As full DNS support is in place, it is like running your own zone on the second-level-domain.
  • Like it is the case in domaining industry, the customer loyalty is above 60% of annual renewals.
  • Every domainer can submit his/her names, which are hosted at no costs. (The only requirement is that the name should be good enough to sub-lease sub-domains / sub-dirs and emails.)
  • Domainers receive half of the premium proceeds and retain the ownership of the name.
  • The domain name is branded under its own name, builds the traffic organically, hence the increase of the value passed to the future buyers.

At the moment, PRO version is on its stable beta stage. In the past, we have alpha tested the platform that now fuels hundreds of sites with dozens of thousands of active registrations.

If you want to become a PRO customer, please sign up using the link below:

P.S. Customers willing to create registries on multiple domain names do not have to submit repetitive applications for each site (we know everyone would hate this). For any bulk queries or should you have any other questions, do not hesitate to pitch team at: pro at name dot ly.

See also:

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