Browser home pages
People seem to like the concept of link sharing presented by in many unorthodox ways. Apart from exploiting the exclusive features of tabbing, e.g.,, or fancy links, e.g., http://✯.ws/~vp, some use it in yet undiscovered ways.
The rising trend seems to be setting sites with enabled theme as home page, especially on the browsers without the tab support (yes, many mobile and tablet devices still lag this crucial feature).
Here goes the recipe: create a themed page then set it as homepage on all computers, laptops, tablets you use.
This way, you don’t need to add/alter/remove tab everywhere. Just do it once in one place and it will instantly propagate to all the places.
Below go few questions we have received on the topic you may find relevant to your home page too:
Q: Can one add a local address to files on PC?
A: Yes, of course. You will need to create a or site, apply theme; then add those links using file://… prefix. Please mind, that whenever you add links through the home page, they are checked for being correct web addresses (hence file://… links will be regarded as errors). However, once you edit them later on through the control panel, you can type anything you want.
Q: How do I make my [local] links hidden from the public?
Just go to Control Panel -> My Sites and set links to the private mode, so they are loaded only when you are logged as a site admin. This way, you will make sure no one can see your local links, and yet, everything loads at once when you need it wherever you need it.
Open all references in tabs: [1 – 4]
Short link:
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