Short Codes

Facebook short codes:

  • Activity Feed
  • Comments
  • Facepile
  • Like Box
  • Like Button
  • Live Stream
  • Login with Faces
  • Recommendations

All can be also seen on widget demo site.

To use, replace “[” and “]” with […].

Activity Feed

“[” fb-activity-feed domain=’’ show_header=’true’ width=’600′ height=’600′ colorscheme=’light’ font=’tahoma’ recommendations=’true’ border_color=’CECECE’ “]”


“[” fb-comments width=’600′ numposts=’100′ “]”


“[” fb-facepile width=’600′ num-rows=’6′ “]”

Like Box

“[” fb-like-box href=’’ show_header=’true’ width=’600′ height=’600′ colorscheme=’light’ font=’tahoma’ connections=’100′ stream=’true’ border_color=’CECECE’ “]”

Like Button

“[” fb-like-button show-faces=’true’ layout-style=’Standard’ verb-to-display=’iLike’ width=’600′ font=’tahoma’ “]”

Live Stream

“[” fb-livestream event_app_id=’182915869152′ height=’600′ width=’600′ xid=’182915869152123′ “]”

Login with Faces

“[” fb-login-button width=’600′ show-faces=’true’ max-rows=’6′ “]”


“[” fb-recommendations domain=’’ width=’600′ height=’600′ header=’true’ font=’tahoma’ border_color=’CECECE’ “]”

Other short codes

  • QR code

QR code (pointing to the current URL)

“[” QR size=’256′ “]”

QR code

“[” QR url=’’ size=’256′ “]”

Short link: [Facebook] [Twitter] [Email] Copy -$6c