- Get started – Instructions

December 3, 2010 @ 11:49 pm - Uncategorized

Welcome to!

This is your first post briefing you on how things work @ So what may you wish to do next?

  1. Sign-up. Sign-in.
  2. Put the list of your sites (to be seen on “My Sites” tab).
  3. Add few words about yourself (to be shown on “About Me” tab).
  4. Share your public contact details (to appear on “Contact Me” tab).
  5. Rename or hide some tabs (e.g., you may wish to remove this “My Blog” tab).
  6. Else, if you love blogging: create posts and share your photos, videos, thoughts, you name it.
  7. Upload your site icon and personal avatar (to be used as favicon and in comments too).
  8. VoilĂ !

Other features to consider:

  1. Change the theme and the widgets of your site and its various settings in the administration section.
  2. Configure your short URLs.
  3. Set Facebook Like Button appearance.
  4. Add Google Analytics to track your visitors.
  5. Follow on Facebook*, Google Buzz*, Twitter*, Yahoo! Me.Me*, or subscribe to our RSS news feed* to stay updated on new features.

If you are looking for a way to consolidate your other sites and social profiles [see the sample pages here*] then please choose one of many themes and then configure it accordingly. The following three are the most popular among our users:

Few more useful hints and tips you might wish to discover:

  1. Print a t-shirt or a mug* with your new jingling web address.
  2. Tell your friends about your new fancy address on your other sites, or by sending them a personal invitation.
  3. Insert your new site’s link into your e-mail signature [tell me how*]: impress your friends with your brand new elegant Internet address in the e-mail footer and in this way update them on the latest news around you each time you press the “send” button.
  4. If you decide to run a blog, remember that you can upload multiple pictures into galleries with just few clicks. Just create a new post and then press on “Add media” star-icons above the formatting menu.
  5. By the way, you can edit, delete, or make this introductory post private. Or add another one.
  6. If you have any questions, feedback or suggestions, you are welcome to write* to a member of our staff and the answer will be with you shortly.

Happy blogging indeed! names easy to remember, impossible to forget.

P.S. Short URL to your site:

Open bundled references in tabs:

  1. This is an example of a comment: you can either edit or delete it.

    Comment by — December 3, 2010 @ 11:49 pm

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Unique visitors (per day)

Unique page requests (per day)

Total page & shortened URL requests (per day)

   * Filled areas depict total page requests and the dashed lines represent internal short URLs that redirected to the site. These short links can be configured on URL Shorteners' Setttings page.

Average number of visits to a requested page (per day)

Time in seconds spent on the site by an average visitor (per day)

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